Sunday, October 16, 2016

Corporate-owned US news media is running America's presidential election this year, along with blames on Moscow

"Biased" is a pretty inappropriate term to describe what the US mainstream media is doing this election season [anti-Trump, pro-Hillary, anti-Moscow/anti-Russia, pro-Obama, anti-Putin, etc.]. The more proper words for US media's actions are "scandal", "crime", "fraud" and "travesty". I've never seen such a degree of poisonous bias in any news media as I've seen in American news media this year. Truth be damned - US news media is doing everything it can to reprogram the minds of American citizens so that they vote for Hillary, despite her numerous despicable and provable crimes.

Secondly, the amount of reference to Moscow/Putin/Russia that's going on this election season is simply unbelievable. Anything, anything, happening in the US is instantly blamed on Moscow/Putin/Russia, and US news media is desperately trying to hide and paint/polish/cover Hillary Clinton's ugly crimes.

1 comment:

  1. What's more, even Obama himself is now acting like Hillary's pimp. Such a shameless and worthless person.
