Friday, April 23, 2021

It's sad to see tiny Czech Republic publicly slapping and humiliating mighty Russia

Czechia expelled 18 Russia diplomats over a 2014 incident. Like they suddenly remembered the 2014 incident and had convulsions about it. Russia retaliated by expelling 20 Czech diplomats. Czech responded by expelling dozens of Russian diplomats + staff by May-end unless Russia cancels its order to expel 20 Czech diplomats.

This looks like a trap setup by Czechia, most likely with the American demon backing it. Otherwise why would the Czechs spoil their relations with Russia in such a bitter and public manner? Obviously the Czechs had pre-calculated the Russian response [20 Czechs expelled], and had already pre-calculated that they would respond to Russia's response by expelling dozens of Russian diplomats + staff to match the total Russian number to the total Czech number.

Three things to note here:
  1. What bribe / carrot have the Americans given to the Czechs to convince them to make such a move?
  2. What bribe / carrot have the Americans given to Slovakia to convince them to expel 3 Russian diplomats in "solidarity" with Czechia, essentially stirring trouble for no reason?
  3. This "Czech" move looks like a belated American response to Russia, to the massive Jul'17 expulsion of 755 American diplomats + staff ordered by Putin, to match the Russian and American numbers, essentially setting a precedent for this move by the Czechs.
More than anything else though, it's sad to see Russia being such openly and publicly challenged and humiliated by tiny Czechia and Slovakia. America's dollar-printing machine is the foundation on which all such moves rest, and it's vital that the machine be destroyed.

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